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Prof.Akif Ündar,ph.D.
Professor, Departments of Pediatrics, Surgery, Bioengineering,
Penn State Hershey Pediatric Cardiovascular Research Center,
Penn State Hershey College of Medicine, Penn State Hershey Children’s Hospital, Hershey, PA, USA
Prof.Yosaku Nishiwaki
Professor, Philosophy of Science,Keio University,Tokyo,Japan
Mineki Toyama
President and Representative Director, Medical Create, Inc.
Anne Hoo Ean Ean
Senior perfusionist, National Heart Centre Singapore, Singapore
Prof. Bin Liu, MD, Ph.D.
Professor, Vice Chairman of Department of Anesthesiology, West-China Hospital, Sichuan University, Chengdu, China
Brian Mejak, CCP
Staff Perfusionist, Children's Hospital Colorado, Denver, Colorado, USA
Christoph Benk
Depertment of Cardiovascular Surgery, Heart Center Freiburg University, Freiburg, Germany
Prof. Cun Long, MD
Professor, Director of Department of Extracorporeal Circulation, Fuwai Hospital, Chinese Heart Center, Beijing , China
Clarke Thuys B.App.sc,Grad.Dip.App.Sc., CCP
Perfusion Unit, Cardiac Surgery, Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne, Australia
Faisal Shehzad CCP
Department of Cardiac Surgery, Tahir Heart Institute, Pakistan.
Genezareth Fabiana Alvarado
Cardiopulmonary Perfusionist, Aragua, Venezuela
Prof. Hitomi Kataoka
Professor, Department of Primary Care and Medical Education, Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama, Japan
Jon Van Den Berg
Charge Perfusionist, Waikato Hospital, New Zealand
Prof. Le Ngoc Thanh
Professor, Vice Preseident, General Secretary Vietnam of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery Association.
Vice Director of E hospital, Ha Noi, Viet Num
Maria Al. Balushi,BS,CCP
Royal Hospital,Oman
Martin. Hargrove FCCP
Chief Clinical Perfusionist,Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Cork university Hospital, Cork, Ireland
Neale Zingle, BS, LP, CCP
Department of Cardiovascular-Thoracic Surgery
Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago, USA
Nguyen The Binh
Cardiovascular center, E hospital, Vietnam
Prof. Shingo Kasahara,MD
Professor, Department of Gerontology Research,
Associate Professor, Department of Cardiovascular surgery,
Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama, Japan
Thomas M. Klein, BS, CCP, LCP, FPP
Chief, Pediatric Perfusion, Pediatric Ventricle Assist Device Coordinator, Department of Cardiac Surgery, Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, USA
Yuki Peterson, RN, BSN, CCRN-CSC-CMC
ECMO Program, University of Michigan Health System, Michigan,USA
Xin Li, MD
Chief Doctor of Extracorporeal Circulation, Director of Hospital Scientific Research and Medical Education, Shanghai Chest Hospital, Shanghai Jiaotong University, chaina